Economic Development

The Rio Grande Valley plays a significant role towards
the state's recognition for being a global leader
in economic development.

Below is a comprehensive list of the Valley’s EDCs.

The RGV is a Power House for Business

Fair Legal System

Low Taxes

Quality of Life

Skilled Workforce

The RGV Partnership focuses on Economic Development as a key point of growth for the Valley.
The Rio Grande Valley is well-positioned for future job and economic growth. Many of Texas’ economic advancements have been attributed to various state and local economic development programs. There are a variety of incentive programs to aid in our area’s economic growth, such as tax relief programs for entrepreneurs and investment incentives. Our state must continue to maintain a prosperous future and continue to further legislative support, expansion, and development. This page contains useful resources for our viewers as well as our region’s Economic Development Corporations  (EDCs) listed below.

Visit these resources for helpful information, data, reports, maps,
and incentive programs by industry below.

Region Population
Workforce Population

How to Start a Business in Texas

Economic Development Corporations (EDCs)